The Real Estate
Marketing Group
Marketing Group
At REMG we believe the most successful companies are marketing driven. We believe marketing is the tip of the spear that cuts through to the heart of what you are doing (brand, culture, motivation, perceptions) and for whom you are doing it (the end user).
Marketing parses, “connects” and endears you to your unique end-user, which in turn generates quality inquiries that drive sales. And sales generate revenue.
Marketing parses, “connects” and endears you to your unique end-user, which in turn generates quality inquiries that drive sales. And sales generate revenue.
Voted on of the Top Five Real Estate Marketing Professionals Nationally by NAHB
Spearheaded the teams/work that resulted in numerous awards locally, regionally and nationally including Best Ad, Best Campaign, Best Brochure, Best Sales Center...
Best Website, Best Signage Program, Best Direct Mail, Best Consumer Promotion, Best Realtor Promotion...